German Initiative Revives Degraded Farmlands for Kenyan Farmers.

The global agricultural sector has long faced challenges posed by climate change. Before acknowledging the severity of the crisis, farmers worldwide experienced massive crop failures, frequent floods, and droughts caused by erratic precipitation linked to global warming.

These adversities forced many farmers to abandon farming due to successive losses over multiple planting seasons.

In Kenya, where agriculture accounts for over a quarter of the Gross Domestic Product, the effects were similarly dire.

This exacerbated the country’s fragile food security situation, compelling the government to import food to bridge the deficit. Runoff rainwater washed away essential nutrients from farmlands, leaving farmers unable to produce enough food to sustain the nation.

The Cross Soil Project: A Beacon of Hope

Despite these challenges, initiatives like the Cross Soil Project by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) have provided a lifeline. This multi-faceted program aimed to educate and train farmers on best practices for rehabilitating degraded land to restore productivity.

The “Soil Protection and Rehabilitation of Degraded Land in Kenya” program, which ran from 2015 to 2023, achieved remarkable success.

GIZ Extension Services and Training Advisor, Flora Ajwera, reported that 119,808 smallholder farmers from 46,080 households utilized the training to rehabilitate 38,755 hectares of farmland. This effort boosted yields of staple crops like maize and beans by 37% compared to untreated plots.

Practical Solutions for Farmers

Under the Cross Soil Project, 2,010 farmer groups and 29 water resource user associations were trained on soil protection and sustainable land management techniques.

The focus was on cost-effective practices adapted to climate change mitigation, such as using organic resources to enrich soil health. Ajwera highlighted how soil tests in Western Kenya revealed high acidity levels and low nutrients, prompting interventions tailored to specific needs.

Farmers were trained on terrace placement to control erosion, while in areas with steep slopes, alternatives like planting grass strips or agroforestry trees were introduced.

German Initiative Revives Degraded Farmlands for Kenyan Farmers
German Initiative Revives Degraded Farmlands for Kenyan Farmers

The project also emphasized using agricultural lime and organic fertilizers to address soil acidity and improve water infiltration. Techniques such as in-situ water harvesting and conservation agriculture, including intercropping, were promoted to reduce evaporation and enhance water retention.

Agroforestry and Ecosystem Balance

Ajwera underscored the importance of agroforestry training in helping farmers adapt to climate change. This approach improved the ecosystem by fostering a balance through the presence of organisms, bees, and birds.

Integrated pest and disease management practices were encouraged, including the use of green manure, nitrogen-fixing crops, and bio-pesticides to control invasive pests.

The implementation of push-pull technology to manage striga weed and maize stalk borer infestations marked a significant breakthrough. These practices, coupled with agro-ecological approaches, reduced post-harvest losses and proved to be cost-effective for farmers.

Success Stories and Broader Impact

ProSoil success stories are evident in Kakamega, Siaya, and Bungoma counties. Two main implementing partners—GFA Welthungerhilfe and Water Resources Users Associations (WRUA)—collaborated with national and international research centers like KALRO, CIAT, and ICRAF, alongside local NGOs and community-based organizations.

The project, funded at €20.8 million, prioritized affirmative action by ensuring that at least 60% of the trainees were women, including community resource persons and trainers.

Godfrey Owuor, Kakamega’s County Executive for Agriculture, praised the project for addressing farmers’ challenges during a period of heightened demand for food due to population growth.

The initiative introduced cost-effective, sustainable methods for revitalizing barren and depleted soils using locally available organic materials.

Owuor also revealed plans to incorporate the ProSoil curriculum at Amukura Agricultural Training College and cascade the training to local primary schools through 4K clubs.

Transforming Farmers’ Lives

The program’s impact extended beyond agricultural productivity. Bonface Oronje, a farmer from Butere Sub-County, shared how the project transformed the fortunes of Shibembe B Farmers Group.

Members now produce sufficient food for their families and have improved financial stability. The success encouraged younger generations, previously skeptical of farming, to reconsider its potential.

Oronje highlighted the value of adopting bio-organic methods for pest control, which proved cost-effective and environmentally friendly compared to expensive and toxic chemical solutions used in the past. These innovations have revitalized farming as a viable and sustainable livelihood for many communities.

German Initiative Revives Degraded Farmlands for Kenyan Farmers
Man working his drought affected garden

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